Monday, September 20, 2021

Come On and ZOOM: Part 2


Chapter 2: ZOOMing Into Success

Season 1 of ZOOM was a big hit. The show received critical acclaim and many positive reviews. In fact, it was such a big hit, it was clear that WGBH wanted more. And more they did! A second season was in production, and Kenny, Nancy, and Tracy were back, but with some new ZOOMers.

Who were the new ZOOMers? Maura Mullaney, Ann Messer, David Alberico, and Jay Schertzer. This new season brought many new Dos, Guests, Games, Songs, Stories, Plays, Raps, and Barrels.

The cast changed again the same season. Maura, Ann, Jay, and David stayed, while we met new ZOOMers Luiz Gonzalez, Bernadette Yao, and Leon Mobley.

Bernadette was well-known for the "arm trick" she did when she was introduced in the theme song. I'm even friends with her on Facebook (as well as Ann and Joe). Once again, new Games, Plays, Guests, Mail, Dos, Stories, and Songs.

And once again there was ANOTHER cast change in the same season. Luiz, Bernadette (does arm trick), and Leon returned, while new ZOOMers Edith Mooers, Lori Boskin, Danny Malloy Normas, and Neal Johnson Robinson were introduced.

With all these cast changes, the ZOOMers at home needed to know about them, so the ZOOMers on the show welcomed the new ZOOMers with a song called "How Do You Do" when they were introduced. This new cast brought even more new segments.

Two ZOOM books were published this season - the ZOOM Catalog (which I own) and Do a ZOOMDo.

Let’s move onto Season 3. Season 3 brought even more new ZOOMers - Danny McGrath, Mike Dean, Donna Moore, and Timmy Price Rudman. Edith, Lori, and Neal stayed. This season gave us new Plays, Mail, Games, Guests, Dos, Raps, and Songs.

The second cast for this season was Hector Dorta, Mike, Donna, Rose Clarkow, Timmy, Shawn Miranda Reed, and Danny. During this third season, a ZOOMer told the viewers the show was getting cancelled, and encouraged them to send letters, photos, and other content to keep it on air, and guess what? It TOTALLY worked! ZOOM stayed on air.

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